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Bullying Bullying

Bullying at school can often be things like name-calling, hitting, pushing and stealing someone's belongings. It also includes stuff that’s less visible, like sending nasty texts or spreading false rumours about someone.

People get picked on for lots of reasons. Being bullied can make you dread going to school and can also make you feel depressed, lonely or even suicidal.

If you're being bullied, you're not alone - every seven seconds another young person in Britain is going through it too. You might feel that there's no way out, but there are lots of ways to get help. Remember, it's not your fault and you have the right to live without being bullied.

What to look for:

Signs of someone being bullied:

  • They suddenly become unhappy or withdrawn.
  • They start missing school.
  • They've got physical injuries they don't want to talk about.

What to do:

Are you being bullied?

  • It probably won't stop until you tell someone you trust, like a friend, your parents/carers or a teacher etc.
  • Act confidently to send out the message that you're not afraid.
  • Stay with others - you're more likely to be picked on if you're on your own.
  • Keep a diary and keep all the text messages as evidence of what happens. You can use it later to show you're telling the truth.

Is your friend being bullied?

  • Take their worries seriously.
  • Stick up for them if you see they're being picked on.
  • They might want you to be with them when they tell their parents/carers or a teacher if they're being bullied.


Kidscape website



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